Tel: 870-793-5233
4441 Harrison Street
Batesville, AR 72501
The North Central Workforce Development Board typically meets the second Wednesday of the last month of each quarter.
PY24 meetings will be held September 11, 2024, November 13, 2024, March 12, 2025, June 11, 2025.
For more information on the board meetings, call 870-793-5233 or email
Meeting location will be at the White River Planning and Development District whose address is 4441 Harrison Street Batesville AR, 72501. These meetings are open to the public. The Committees meet from 10:30-11:00am and then the full Board meeting is 11:00am to adjournment.
PY 2023 North Central Arkansas Workforce Development Board Members
Gayle Cooper
Business Representative
Executive and Targeted Populations Committees
vice Chair
Garry Lawrence
Business Representative
Executive and Targeted Populations Committees
Janet Hearyman
Business Representative
Targeted Populations
Amie McBride
Business Representative
One-Stop Committee
Brittany Baker
Business Representative
One-Stop Committee
Karen Palmer
Business Representative
One-Stop Committee
Marcus Orf
Education Representative
Targeted Populations Committee
Michael Arnold
Business and Workforce Representative
Targeted Populations Committee
Renee' Martin
Business Representative
Executive and Targeted Populations Committees
Dr. Holly Smith
Education Representative
One-Stop Committee
Stacy Gunderman
Business Representative
One-Stop Committee
Wiley Osborn
Business Representative
Executive and Targeted Populations Committees
Trish Miller
Adult Education Representative
One-Stop Committee
Jennifer Pike
Government Representative
One-Stop Committee
Dr. Zach Harber
Higher Education/Apprenticeship Representative
Director of Career and Technical Education at the University of Arkansas Community College of Batesville
One-Stop Committee
Ms. Renee' Martin
Business Representative
Owner of Renee' Martin Insurance Agency
Secretary-Youth Committee
Mr. Alvin Hearyman
Business/Economic and Community Development Representative
Owner of Master Craft, Inc.
President of the Bald Knob Industrial Development Commission
Disabilities Committee
Ms. Laura McGuire
Business Representative
Owner of Main Attire
One Stop Committee
Ms. Robin Hunt
Required Arkansas Rehabilitation Services Representative
Area Manager Arkansas Rehabilitation Services
Chairperson-Disabilities Committee
Ms. Amber Neal
Required Division of Services for the Blind Representative
Area Manager Arkansas Division of Services for the Blind
Disability Committee
Chad Vincent
Workforce Representative
Targeted Populations Committee
Gina Wells
Workforce Representative
One-Stop Committee
Amber Neal
Government Representative
Targeted Populations Committee
Christel Taylor
Economic Development Representative
Targeted Populations Committee
Jada Washington
Government Representative
Targeted Populations Committee